86 research outputs found

    Anne-Marie Garat

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    Intermedia relationships inAnne-Marie Garat's writingLes relations interm\ue9diales dans l'\ue9criture de Anne-Marie Gara

    Christian Garcin

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    Intermedia relationships in Christian Garcin's writingLes relations interm\ue9diales dans l'\ue9criture de Christian Garci

    Nicole Caligaris

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    Intermedia relationships in Nicole Caligaris's writingLes relations interm\ue9diales dans l'\ue9criture de Nicole Caligaris

    The Future of the Post. New Insights in the Postmodern Debate

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    This book collects the proceedings of the International conference "The Postmodern Condition: Forty Years Later" held at University of Genova on December 2019. The conference took advantage of the fortieth anniversary of the publication of "The Postmodern Condition" by Jean- François Lyotard as a “trigger” to relaunch the still actual and ongoing debate about the meaning of postmodernity, the end of postmodernism and the advent of new aesthetics, philosophy and social “structure of feelings” that have overcome (or tried to) the postmodern paradigm. The book aims at interweaving the two main faces of the problem: on the one hand, the analysis of the vitality, legacy, topicality and historicizing process of postmodernity and postmodernism; on the other, the analysis of the debate on the crisis of postmodern paradigm and of the advent of new conceptual frames, often born as a direct refusal of postmodern critical discourse and philosophy

    Le tecnologie come motore di innovazione e sinergia con il territorio.

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    The first part this article presents the history of CLAT of the University of Genova since its creation in 2012, showing how internationalization and inno-vation have always been the focuses of the three types of services it provides: language courses, services for the university itself and services for society\u2019s language needs. In particular, the article illustrates the structure and meth-odology of CLIL courses for schoolteachers, the CLAT adaptive tests, and a specifically conceived learning environment and platform for online courses. It then proceeds to describe a few projects and experiences involving collabo-ration with social actors, such as the FAMI project, which aims at the promo-tion of heritage language for second and third generation schoolchildren of non-Italian origin (mainly South American Spanish speakers

    The PROSPECT Reactor Antineutrino Experiment

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    The Precision Reactor Oscillation and Spectrum Experiment, PROSPECT, is designed to make both a precise measurement of the antineutrino spectrum from a highly-enriched uranium reactor and to probe eV-scale sterile neutrinos by searching for neutrino oscillations over meter-long baselines. PROSPECT utilizes a segmented 6^6Li-doped liquid scintillator detector for both efficient detection of reactor antineutrinos through the inverse beta decay reaction and excellent background discrimination. PROSPECT is a movable 4-ton antineutrino detector covering distances of 7m to 13m from the High Flux Isotope Reactor core. It will probe the best-fit point of the Μˉe\bar\nu_e disappearance experiments at 4σ\sigma in 1 year and the favored regions of the sterile neutrino parameter space at more than 3σ\sigma in 3 years. PROSPECT will test the origin of spectral deviations observed in recent Ξ13\theta_{13} experiments, search for sterile neutrinos, and address the hypothesis of sterile neutrinos as an explanation of the reactor anomaly. This paper describes the design, construction, and commissioning of PROSPECT and reports first data characterizing the performance of the PROSPECT antineutrino detector.Comment: 30 pages, 33 figures; updated with journal revision and referenc

    Entre \ue9criture et image: la forme br\ue8ve chez Christian Garcin

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    Christian Garcin est un \ue9crivain contemporain qui d\ue9montre une grande versatilit\ue9 dans l\u2019utilisation de genres diff\ue9rents pour l\u2019\ue9criture de textes litt\ue9raires qui questionnent souvent la relation de la litt\ue9rature et de l\u2019image. Nous analysons une s\ue9rie de Mini-fictions parues en ligne sur le site remue.net et dans quelques revues. Il s\u2019agit de brefs textes fictionnels, inspir\ue9s \ue0 des faits divers r\ue9els ou invent\ue9s qui sont accompagn\ue9es de photographies de Patrick Devresse. La lecture de quelques mini-fictions permet d\u2019en mettre en relief les caract\ue8res li\ue9s \ue0 la composition des formes br\ue8ves par rapport aux sujets trait\ue9s. De la lettre au journal, du ton humoristique au m\ue9lancolique, l\u2019\ue9crivain compose de brefs r\ue9cits incisifs qui racontent notre monde et la vie contemporaine par la mise en tension entre les textes et les photographies

    Un exemple de transm\ue9dialit\ue9 contemporaine : l\u2019adaptation en bande dessin\ue9e

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    Le ph\ue9nom\ue8ne de la transm\ue9dialit\ue9 devient aujourd\u2019hui de plus en plus important. Le transfert du texte fictionnel au cin\ue9ma, \ue0 l\u2019op\ue9ra, au th\ue9\ue2tre, \ue0 la bande dessin\ue9e et la transposition et l\u2019adaptation des sujets litt\ue9raires aux m\ue9diums visuels sont tr\ue8s courants. Dans cet article nous nous penchons sur le passage du texte litt\ue9raire \ue0 la bande dessin\ue9e. Apr\ue8s avoir \ue9voqu\ue9 les raisons et les enjeux de la trans\ue9criture aujourd'hui, nous analysons l'adaptation du roman "Putain d\u2019usine" de Jean-Pierre Levaray (2002) en bande dessin\ue9e r\ue9alis\ue9e par Efix avec la collaboration de l'auteur (2007). Les diff\ue9rentes typologies d'action transm\ue9diale sont prises en compte et d\ue9crites dans le d\ue9tail: le passage d'un m\ue9dium \ue0 l'autre implique l\u2019appropriation des moteurs premiers qui ont mis en marche la narration, plut\uf4t que la simple transposition lin\ue9aire. Ainsi, le cr\ue9ateur de bande dessin\ue9 devra transposer les enjeux du texte de d\ue9part et travailler avec les outils narratifs de son propre m\ue9dium afin de l'exploiter \ue0 fond. Cela lui permettra de condenser et r\ue9duire la mati\ue8re \ue0 transposer grace \ue0 l\u2019efficacit\ue9 de la mise en images qui v\ue9hicule aussi bien des messages di\ue9g\ue9tiques que des messages esth\ue9tiques

    J\ue9r\uf4me Game

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    Les relations interm\ue9diales dans l'\ue9criture de J\ue9r\uf4me GameIntermedia relationships in J\ue9r\uf4me Game's writin
